
God saved me in 2002, just a few months after I had graduated from college and moved down to Houston for work, and over the last 10 years, He has really transformed my life.  God sanctified me as I sought out answers to my doubts, committed to serve others through Young Life, led small groups, taught in Bible Study classes at my church (Second Baptist Church), and went on overseas Mission Trips.  However, when I met Darin Maurer in 2009 and learned about Logos Leaders Outreach, I realized I had never actually been discipled or discipled someone else.

Discipleship simply means teaching someone what it looks like to follow Jesus.  Thankfully, in spite of never being formally discipled, God brought many people into my life over the years to model what following Jesus in 21st-Century America looks like.  But many people have not been as fortunate, and due to the absence of discipleship, many Christians don't really know what following Jesus looks like and their lives and priorities remain self-centered and indistinguishable from the rest of our culture.

Shortly after meeting Darin, we began meeting periodically in what became a mutually discipling relationship.  God has gifted each of us in different ways, and He has used our intentional time of discussing our time in God's Word to challenge and grow both of us.  Particular areas where God has used Darin's discipleship in my life include prioritizing scripture memory, growing in my boldness to share Christ with unbelievers, and making it a priority to disciple others.  At Darin's encouragement, I quickly identified someone to disciple and began meeting regularly with a former Young Life student who had returned home to Houston from college.  By God's grace, He has really used me over the past couple of years to help this young man grow in his devotion to Christ and to walk through some really challenging life situations.  Through simply committing to meet regularly for lunch and talk with him about Jesus, the Bible, and our personal struggles, I am very humbled to realize that God has actually used me in a powerful way in his life.

I highly encourage men to seek out both someone to disciple them and someone that they can disciple.  Logos does an excellent job of using this Biblical model to raise up men of God to lead their families and churches as well as to lead others in the workplace and community.  I am exceedingly thankful for the positive impact that being discipled and discipling others has had on me.  Men, whether you are mature in your faith or just learning what being a Christian looks like, I exhort you to make one-on-one discipleship a priority.  Consider getting involved with Logos and join in what God is doing in Houston and beyond through a commitment to disciple men to know God through His Word.

– Adam Seals, Engineer for Phillips 66

Throughout the past five years, I have met with Darin almost every Friday morning.  Our meetings are a combination of discipling, fellowship and tennis. Each week, Darin inspires me to spend more time in the Bible to get God's insights on how we should live. I also regularly read Darin's daily Bible verse application emails. LOGOS Leaders Outreach is a much-needed Bible-focused Discipleship Ministry that affects many men -- who then impact their families and spheres of influence for God.

 – John Meredith, Executive Director and General Counsel of SpringSpirit Baseball