Our Mission

LOGOS Leaders Outreach is a non-profit 501(c)3 organization with the mission of discipling men to know God through His Word (John 1 and Hebrews 4:12).  This occurs through small group and one-on-one discipling from the Bible.  The founder and executive director, Darin S. Maurer, has worked at discipling men to help fulfill the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20) since coming to Christ in college.  Darin’s time in discipleship training puts together personal experience and education to have growing confidence in handling Scripture accurately (2 Tim. 2:15). *


People in our American culture lack biblical knowledge, especially in secular marketplaces. Men need accountability applying God's Word and discipline in walking with God. While many productive ministries in the city exist, a real need remains for men to have more specific encouragement and accountability.

The Target Age Groups

18-29 year olds who likely will benefit from encouragement in the areas of personal purity and learning how to serve in God's Kingdom work.

30-39 year olds who will have increasing pressures in life and want accountability in ministering to their young families.

40+ year olds who often have developed distracting habits that hurt their walk with God and need help maintaining the priority of the Gospel with Jesus Christ as their first love (Revelation 2:4).

Ministry Experience

People over the years have put their faith in Jesus Christ for salvation through Darin proclaiming Christ and he has men in his life affirming this organization existing to have a greater outreach. 

Service Previously

Staff Member of Campus Crusade for Christ at Stanford University ('85-89), in Belgrade, Yugoslavia ('89-90), in Dallas, TX ('90-94), at Rice University ('94-05), and with businessmen in Houston ('05-07); Pastor of Evangelism and Pastoral Care at Grace Bible Church ('07-'08).


A board of directors will provide wisdom, accountability and council in promoting the mission, with the criteria of faithfulness to God evaluated quarterly through discussing the questions below. 

Who has received teaching from the Word and how did this teaching get received in their lives?

Have non-Christians heard the Gospel and have people put their faith in Jesus Christ for salvation?

How have Christians involved themselves in the Great Commission (Mt. 28:18-20), and has God raised-up those who disciple others from the Word (2 Tim. 2:2)?

Board Members

Board members in addition to Darin (Executive Director), include Houston businessmen Scott Pappas (Chairman of the Board), Clint Bawcom, Dougal Cameron, Doug George, Adam Seals and Jerry Walker

Serving on the Advisory Board we have Jacob Baker, Carter Bechtol, Dirk Cameron, Dr. Steve Carpenter, Kenny DuBose, Dr. Frank Dunlap, Taylor Guess, Dr. Wendell Johnston, Bill McKenzie, John Meredith and David Moore.

* ThM in 1994 from Dallas Theological Seminary (Highest Honors, World Missions), with recognition as the male student who, “because of his well-balanced Christian character, scholarship and spiritual leadership, best embodies the ideals of Dallas Theological Seminary,” and other recognition through awards in evangelism and theological studies; BS in 1983 from Stanford University (Industrial Engineering). 

Currently in DMin program at Westminster Theological Seminary (Pastoral Studies).

* These questions focus this ministry on its strengths, which Andy Stanley’s book, The Next Generation Leader, confirms as important for the leader.  In other words, a broader focus of trying to accomplish other goals in the lives of Christians would tempt the organization to operate out of weaknesses, rather than taking advantage of certain strengths in the areas covered by the questions.